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Health Benefits

The Amazing Benefits of Cinnamon

Scientific Literature
There are many scientific studies supporting Ceylon cinnamon's numerous health benefits. Several articles have been published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine. A comprehensive review of 70 articles identified several potential medicinal benefits. Ceylon cinnamon has been shown to lower blood glucose, blood pressure and serum cholesterol, reduce inflammation, serve as a potent antioxidant and more.* Ceylon cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and is also referred to by its scientific names Cinnamomum verum and Cinnamomum zeylanicum. 

Click on the links below to read articles published in the US National Library of Medicine.

Click Here for Systematic Review and Summary

Subject Article 1 Article 2
Blood Glucose Click Here Click Here
Blood Pressure Click Here Click Here
Inflammation Click Here Click Here
Cholesterol Click Here Click Here
Antioxidant Click Here Click Here

"Yes, it does work," says Paul Davis, a research nutritionist with the University of California Davis. He authored a recent meta-analysis published in the Journal of Medicinal Food that concluded cinnamon lowers fasting blood glucose.* Experts recommend Ceylon cinnamon over cassia. Click to read full article 

Super Antioxidant Protection
Spices are the richest known source of antioxidants, based on ORAC value, and cinnamon is ranked among the top! The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) assessment was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to measure the ability of a substance to disarm harmful free radicals in cells. Free radical damage within cells has been linked to many disorders. Antioxidants have been shown to prevent damage to cells caused by harmful free radicals.*

Antioxidant Serving Size ORAC Value
Cinnamon Powder 1 teaspoon (sugar free) 6,956
Pomegranate Juice 8 ounces (32 grams sugar) 5,853
Blueberries 1/2 cup (7.5 grams sugar) 4,848

SOURCE:Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of Selected Foods - 2007. Nutrient Data Laboratory USDA, November 2007.

Safe Coumarin Levels

Coumarin is a natural plant compound that can be harmful to the liver in high concentrations. Ceylon cinnamon contains virtually no coumarin, but cassia cinnamon is known to contain high levels. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has recommended that if you frequently consume large quantities of cinnamon, you should opt for the low-coumarin Ceylon cinnamon. BfR is the scientific agency of the Federal Republic of Germany which is responsible for preparing expert reports and opinions on food safety. BfR reports to the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.  Click to read full article

If you're looking for a potent antioxidant with numerous health benefits and zero sugar, consider adding this natural product to your health regimen. The more you read, the more you'll understand why this super spice has been used for centuries as a safe remedy for many ailments. Our premium cinnamon products are the finest available and 100% third-party certified. Click to read certifications